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Moissanite and Lab Grown Diamonds: Understanding the Price Differences

Moissanite and Lab Grown Diamonds: Understanding the Price Differences

Moissanite and lab-grown diamonds have become increasingly popular alternatives to natural diamonds due to their lower cost and ethical considerations. However, there is still some confusion around the price differences between these two options. In this article, we will explore what moissanite and lab-grown diamonds are, their properties, manufacturing processes, and most importantly, the price differences between them. You'll be able to make an informed choice depending on your budget, preferences, and other factors if you are aware of the pricing variations.

What is Moissanite?

Henri Moissan, a French chemist, found the naturally occurring mineral known as moissanite in a meteorite in 1893. It is relatively rare in nature and made of silicon carbide. On the other hand, the method known as "crystal growth" can be used to create moissanite in a lab.

The brightness, fire, and durability of moissanite are comparable to those of diamonds. Compared to diamonds, it has a higher refractive index and dispersion, increasing its brilliance. With a Mohs scale hardness of 9.25, it is also quite hard and suitable for regular use.

15x10 MM Oval Hybrid Cut Colorless Loose Moissanite for Engagement/Wedding Ring

15X10 MM Oval Hybrid Cut Colorless Loose Moissanite for Engagement / Wedding Ring

Moissanite was once exceedingly expensive due to its scarcity in nature. Moissanite is now more affordable and available to consumers because of the advancement of lab-grown technology.  The cost of moissanite can vary depending on the size, cut, and quality, but it is generally less expensive than lab-grown diamonds and significantly less expensive than natural diamonds.

What are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic or cultured diamonds, are generated in a laboratory using a procedure that mimics the natural conditions that contribute to the production of diamonds. High pressure and high temperature (HPHT) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) procedures are used to generate a diamond crystal from a microscopic diamond seed.

The physical, chemical, and optical qualities of lab-grown diamonds are equal to those of natural diamonds, making them optically identical to the naked eye. They are also as long-lasting and valuable as genuine diamonds. Yet, because they are less rare and the production process is more efficient, lab-grown diamonds are often less expensive than natural diamonds.

1 CT Princess Cut Lab Grown Diamond for Custom Engagement Ring

1 CT Princess Cut Lab Grown Diamond for Custom Engagement Ring

The price of lab-grown diamonds varies according to size, cut, and quality. Lab-grown diamonds are often less expensive than genuine diamonds, but they are more expensive than moissanite.

Moissanite vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds Pricing Comparison

Many individuals view moissanite and lab-grown diamonds as diamond alternatives because of their ethical and cost-effective benefits. While all options are less expensive than real diamonds, there are considerable pricing variations to consider. In this section, we will delve deeper into the comparison between moissanite and lab-grown diamond price.

Factors Affecting Price

The price of moissanite and lab-grown diamonds can vary depending on several factors such as size, cut, clarity, and color. In general, larger stones will cost more than smaller ones, and a higher-quality cut will cost more than a lower-quality cut. The color and clarity of the stone can also affect the price.

The technique of manufacture also influences the price of lab-grown diamonds. HPHT-grown diamonds are generally more expensive than CVD-grown diamonds due to the higher production costs.

Price Range Comparison

In terms of range, moissanite price is generally the most affordable option, followed by lab-grown diamonds, with natural diamonds being the most expensive. To give you an idea of the price comparison, here are some estimates for a 1-carat stone:

  • Moissanite: $300 - $600
  • Lab-grown diamond: $800 - $1,500
  • Synthetic diamond price: $3,500 - $6,000 (on average)

As you can see, moissanite is significantly less expensive than lab-grown diamonds, which are still much cheaper than natural diamonds.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Option

When it comes to choosing between moissanite and lab-grown diamonds, there are several advantages and disadvantages to consider:



  • More affordable than lab-grown diamonds
  • Exceptional brilliance and fire
  • Durable and suitable for everyday wear
  • Ethical and environmentally friendly


  • May not be as visually identical to diamonds as lab-grown diamonds
  • Not as rare as natural diamonds
  • May not hold its value as well as natural or lab-grown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds:


  • Less expensive than natural diamonds
  • Visually identical to natural diamonds
  • Ethical and environmentally friendly
  • Holds its value similar to natural diamonds


  • More expensive than moissanite
  • Production method can affect the price
  • Can be difficult to differentiate from natural diamonds, which could lead to resale or insurance issues

How Are Moissanite and Lab-Grown Diamonds Priced?

Moissanite and lab-grown diamonds are priced based on several factors, including size, cut, clarity, and color. In general, larger stones will cost more than smaller ones, and a higher-quality cut will cost more than a lower-quality cut. Price was also impacted by the color and clarity of the stone.

Lab-grown diamond prices were impacted by the production process as well. Diamonds generated through HPHT are usually more expensive than diamonds grown via CVD due to higher production expenses.

IGI Certified 2.01 CT Oval and Half Moon Lab Grown Diamond Three Stone Engagement Ring

IGI Certified 2.01 CT Oval and Half Moon Lab Grown Diamond Three Stone Engagement Ring

On the other hand, moissanite's price varies according to the seller and the quality of the stone. Being less rare than diamonds, which decreases the cost of production, makes moissanite more affordable than lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds.

It is very important to remember that the price of lab-grown diamonds and moissanite is influenced by the supply and demand of the market. For example, if there is a growth in interest in lab-grown diamonds, prices may climb. And moissanite is the same.

Which Provides More Value for Your Money?

The decision between moissanite and lab-grown diamonds, albeit both are less expensive than real diamonds, is based on the buyer's preferences and the stone's intended usage.

Moissanite is an excellent alternative for people on a strict budget or who want to get the most out of their investment because it frequently costs less than lab-grown diamonds. Because it is a tough, scratch-resistant stone, it is a favorite choice for everyday use.

Although lab-grown diamonds are less expensive than real diamonds, they have the same physical and chemical properties. Because they are available in more colors and greater sizes, they provide a fantastic substitute for real diamonds in engagement rings and other high-end jewelry.

Both stones are more ethical and sustainable than genuine diamonds and provide exceptional value for money. It's important to consider the intended use of the stone, budget, and personal preferences before making a decision.

How Should You Choose Between Moissanite and Lab-Grown Diamonds? 

When it comes to choosing between moissanite and lab-grown diamonds, there are several factors to consider. While both stones have their unique characteristics and advantages, the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference, budget, and intended use.

The budget is one thing to consider. Even though moissanite is typically less expensive than lab-grown diamonds, it is a great choice for people seeking a lovely, high-quality stone without going over budget. But, because lab-grown diamonds are more affordable than natural diamonds, they are a fantastic choice for individuals who want the traditional diamond look at a lower cost.

Fishtail Prongs Moissanite Vintage Engagement Ring, 2.87 TCW Elongated Cushion Cut Colorless Moissanite Ring

2.87 TCW Elongated Cushion Cut Colorless Moissanite Ring 

Durability is an additional consideration. Because they are both incredibly strong and durable, lab-grown diamonds and moissanite are suitable for usage in daily objects. Compared to lab-grown diamonds, moissanite has a minor edge in terms of scratch and chip resistance due to its crystal structure.

Additionally, personal preference and intended use should also be taken into consideration. Moissanite has a higher refractive index than lab-grown diamonds, giving it more fire and sparkle. Some people may prefer the distinct appearance of moissanite over that of a typical diamond. Those who respect the tradition and symbolism of a natural diamond, on the other hand, may select a lab-grown diamond that looks and feels just like a traditional diamond.

It's also worth noting that moissanite and lab-grown diamonds are both ethical and environmentally good solutions because they don't have the environmental impact or human rights concerns that diamond mining does.

The choice between moissanite and lab-grown diamonds ultimately comes down to personal style and money. Individuals who enjoy moissanite's unique appearance and want a more economical choice may pick moissanite, while others who desire the look and feel of a classic diamond at a lower price may prefer a lab-grown diamond. Whichever choice is chosen, both moissanite and lab-grown diamonds are beautiful and long-lasting stones that are a terrific alternative to traditional diamonds.


Moissanite and lab-grown diamonds offer an affordable and ethical alternative to natural diamonds. Moissanite is a durable and scratch-resistant stone that is generally more affordable than lab-grown diamonds, while lab-grown diamonds offer the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds but are less expensive.

Several factors, including size, cut, clarity, color, production method, and market demand and supply influenced the pricing of both stones. It's important to consider personal preferences, budget, and the intended use of the stone before making a decision.

Moissanite stone price is still less expensive than real diamonds in terms of cost, but lab-grown diamonds are even less expensive. This is because manufacturing lab-grown diamonds is more labor- and resource-efficient than mining for natural diamonds. As a result, buyers seeking a more economical option without sacrificing quality or beauty are increasingly turning to lab-grown diamonds as an alternative to genuine diamonds.